

An attempt to overhaul and modernize the infrastructure to run aframe. Unifying multiple threads of research

Model architecture classes

Getting Started

Please see the ml4gw quickstart for help on setting up your environment on the LIGO Data Grid (LDG) and for configuring access to Weights and Biases, and the Nautilus hypercluster. This quickstart includes a Makefile and instructions for setting up all of the necessary software, environment variables, and credentials required to run aframe.

NOTE: this repository is a WIP. You will encounter bugs, quirks, and undesired behavior. If you have any suggestions on making the development process easier, please open up an issue!

Quickstart: low-friction, local development

Each sub-task in aframe is implemented as a containerized application, whose environment and Apptainer definition file live with the code they’re meant to deploy. These live under the projects sub-directory. The projects include

You can build and execute code inside these containers locally. As an example, let’s go through the process of generating data for training aframe. First, you will need to build the data project container:

mkdir ~/aframe/images
cd projects/data
apptainer build ~/aframe/images/data.sif apptainer.def

Once that is complete, let’s query for open science segments containing high-quality data:

mkdir ~/aframe/data/
apptainer run ~/aframe/images/data.sif \
    python -m data query --flags='["H1_DATA", "L1_DATA"]' --start 1240579783 --end 1241443783 --output_file ~/aframe/data/segments.txt

Inspecting the output, (vi ~/aframe/data/segments.txt) it looks like there are quality data segments (1240579783, 1240587612) and (1240594562, 1240606748). Let’s fetch strain data during those segments. One will be used for training, the other for validating

apptainer run ~/aframe/images/data.sif \
    python -m data fetch \
    --start 1240579783 \
    --end 1240587612 \
    --channels='["H1", "L1"]' \ 
    --sample_rate 2048 \
    --output_directory ~/aframe/data/background/

apptainer run ~/aframe/images/data.sif \
    python -m data fetch \
    --start 1240594562 \
    --end 1240606748 \
    --channels='["H1", "L1"]' \ 
    --sample_rate 2048 \
    --output_directory ~/aframe/data/background/

Finally, lets generate some waveforms:

apptainer run ~/aframe/images/data.sif \
    python -m data waveforms \
    --prior data.priors.priors.end_o3_ratesandpops \
    --num_signals 10000 \
    --waveform_duration 8 \
    --sample_rate 2048 \
    --output_file ~/aframe/data/signals.hdf5

Great! We are now ready to train a model! In the same fashion, let’s build the training container:

mkdir ~/aframe/images
cd projects/train
apptainer build ~/aframe/images/train.sif apptainer.def

and launch a training job!

mkdir ~/aframe/results
APPTAINERENV_CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<ID of GPU you want to train on> apptainer run --nv ~/aframe/images/train.sif \
    python -m train \
        --config /opt/aframe/projects/train/config.yaml \
        --data.ifos=[H1,L1] \
        --data.data_dir ~/aframe/data/train \
        --trainer.logger=WandbLogger \
        --trainer.logger.project=aframe \ \

If you inspect the possible arguments for the train project by running

apptainer run python -m train --help

This will infer most of your training arguments from the YAML config that got put into the container at build time. If you want to change this config, or if you change any code and you want to see those changes reflected inside the container, you can simply update the start of the command to read apptainer run --nv --bind .:/opt/aframe.

Once your run is started, you can go to and track your loss and validation score. If you don’t want to track your run with W&B, just remove all the first three --trainer arguments above. This will save your training metrics to a local CSV in the save_dir.

You can even train using multiple GPUS, simply by specifying a list of comma-separated GPU indices to APPTAINERENV_CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES.

One layer up: luigi and law

That command above is simple enough, but it might be nice to 1) specify arguments with configs, and 2) Incorporate tasks as steps in a larger pipeline. To do this, this repo takes advantage of a library called luigi (and a slightly higher-level wrapper, law) to construct configurable, modular tasks that can be strung into pipelines. To understand the structure of luigi tasks, it is reccommended to read the docs.

The top level aframev2 repository contains the environment that is used to launch tasks with luigi and law. to install this environment, simply run

poetry install

in the root of this repository.

To run a local training job you can now run

poetry run law run aframe.TrainLocal \
    --gpus <ID of GPUs to train on> \
    --image ~/aframe/images/train.sif \
    --config /opt/aframe/projects/train/config.yaml \
    --data-dir ~/aframe/data/train \
    --run-dir ~/aframe/results/my-first-luigi-run \
    --use-wandb \
    --wandb-name my-first-luigi-run

This has taken care of setting some sensible defaults for you, and allows for simpler syntax like the --gpus arg and --use-wandb which will configure most of your W&B settings for you. All tasks also come with a built-in --dev arg which will automatically map your current code into the container for super low-friction development.

To see all the parameters a task has to offer, you can run e.g.

poetry run law run aframe.tasks.TrainLocal --help

Final Layer: Pipelines

As mentioned, luigi and law allow for the construction of large scale pipelines. The aframe/pipelines/ directory contains common analysis pipelines. Currently, only the sandbox pipeline is available. This pipeline will launch a single end-to-end aframe workflow consisting of training / testing data generation, model training, model export, and inference using a triton server. The easiest way to run the pipeline is to use the config file, which is specified in law via the LAW_CONFIG_FILE environment variable:

LAW_CONFIG_FILE=aframe/pipelines/sandbox/sandbox.cfg poetry run law run aframe.pipelines.sandbox.Sandbox --gpus <GPU IDs> 

One more layer: local hyperparameter tuning

To search over hyperparameters, you can launch a local hyperparameter tuning job by running

APPTAINERENV_CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<IDs of GPUs to tune on> apptainer run --nv --bind .:/opt/aframe ~/aframe/images/rain.sif \
    python -m train.tune \
        --config /opt/aframe/projects/train/config.yaml
        --data.data_dir ~/aframe/data/train
        --trainer.logger.save_dir=~/aframe/results/my-first-tune \ my-first-tune \
        --tune.storage_dir ~/aframe/results/my-first-tune \
        --tune.temp_dir ~/aframe/results/my-first-tune/ray \
        --tune.num_samples 8 \
        --tune.cpus_per_gpu 6 \
        --tune.gpus_per_worker 1 \
        --tune.num_workers 4

This will launch 8 hyperparameter search jobs that will execute on 4 workers using the Asynchronous Successive Halving Algorithm (ASHA). All the runs will be given the same group ID in W&B, and will be assigned random names in that group.

NOTE: for some reason, right now this will launch one job at a time that takes all available GPUs. This needs sorting out

The cool thing is that if you already have a ray cluster running somewhere, you can distribute your jobs over that cluster by simply adding the --tune.endpoint <ip address of ray cluster>:10001 command line argument.

This isn’t implemented at the luigi level yet, but the skeleton of how it will work is in aframe/tasks/

TODO: discussion about moving to remote and higher-friction production workloads

Useful concepts and things to be aware of

Where things stand and where they can go

Optimization schemes

What else?

There’s tons of TODOS littering the code that cover stuff I’ll have missed here. One major one is the ability to log plots of model predictions to W&B during validation. See my comments on it here. Basically you should be able to define callbacks for various tasks that have an on_validation_score method to pass model inputs and outputs that you can log to W&B. I think this will be particularly important for the autoencoder work, where visualizing what it’s learning will be instructive.

More broadly, it will be useful to start up-leveling some of the training framework utilities to library that sits one level above ml4gw. I’m thinking of